Helping Less Fortunate by Spreading Love 1 Cover at a Time!

Cover Teller County is a local non-profit organization that collects new or gently-used blankets and outerwear for infants, children and adults - and of course, our furry friends! Cover Teller County is on a mission to help others less fortunate by spreading love one blanket or coat at a time!

We strive to make a connection with the less fortunate so they know someone cares and that God loves them! Keeping people - and their pets - protected from the cold is what we do.

To make a donation of new or gently used blankets, coats, hats, gloves, mittens, scarves and socks, call Suzanne at (719) 247-0782 for pick up. Please be sure to launder gently used items.

There is still plenty of time to Give the Gift of Warmth!

All donations will be delivered to area charity outlets for distribution.

Thank you for giving!

Sponsored by Suzanne Morrison - Lokation Real Estate & Pixel Perfect Plus

If you would like to become a sponsor, please call, text or email for more information.

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